Gitama's World

By Gitama

Inside a Cell @ Trial Bay Goal

SH and I took off again early heading into a grey and misty day....which I have to say was hauntingly beautiful in its way and getting wet seemed a small price to pay to watch the mist over the hills and walk through the clouds.

We went to Trial Bay Goal and this is a pic from inside of a cell...glad I didn't have to spend much longer thank I did thats for sure. I was excited about the ruins much to the amusement of the Scot who I guess has so many to visit over in his neck of the woods. If you would like to visit SH he has written some of the history.....Im lazy...cant be bothered.

We walked up to Smoky Cape light house (which I will post as an extra)....just gorgeous.
Well I cannot write anymore the Folk Jen and SH are hungry and are waiting for me to finish so we can go for lunch.
Lovely to arrive at Jens house last night to a wonderful Lemon Chicken tagine exchanging and laughing.

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