Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Animal conversations part 3

Today's offering is Roxy (left) and Rambo .... Remember Roxy was the house rabbit because Foxy kicked her out of the gang ? Then Foxy ran away presumed dead,Roxy rekindled her love for Rambo,he's fickle and welcomed her back .. THEN foxy is not dead so now she's the house rabbit ... Got that ?
People don't understand rabbits, you can't just put rabbits back in which each other when they have fallen out,they go mental ... You have to bond them carefully .. I can't be bothered to type the process out its so bloody boring ...
ANYWAY... Roxy is saying 'she(that would be me) has the bag of greens in her hand'
Rambo says ' if she hands them over I won't kill the bitch in her sleep' ....

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