Meadows morning
An early morning stroll along Melville Drive. It was a fine morning and the last of the trees were resplendent in their autumn colours. I was on my way to an early appointment to the dentist. She has just returned after baby #3. I came out feeling lighter and happier then when I went in and fairly skipped across Jawbone Walk.
I managed to do very little of what I'd planned at work, too bitty. But I had a lovely lunch at La Garrigue with my friend Geoff. he updated me on his recent run in and we had a very convivial lunch. I have to confess that even I couldn't finish the chocolate mousse. it was of Carol proportions.
Back to the office for a meeting, more cake to celebrate the launch of Connect and then I workedon to catch up with all the things that needed caught up on, including a personal task. Outside the smirr returned and the heavens went 'bang'.
Waiting for the ever errant #35 I engaged in conversation with 2 women about buses. What is it about Edinburgh folk that we seem destined to have convoluted conversations about the best way to get from A to B, by 35 and 41 or 35 and 31 or even 35 and 37!
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