
By pensionspoet

Back on the horse

Metaphorically speaking. After a night of despair, followed by a night off completely I've made 4 new pairs of snowmen earrings and here they are as they enter the oven. I decided to make and cook in batches! Blue hats & scarves first. Now I'll make some with pink and purple hats.

The rest of the day was frustrated by a slow, intermittent and sometimes nonexistent computer system; apparently an IT problem that was affecting 'everyone'. So a fraction of what I wanted to do got done.

At lunchtime I went to Primark and treated myself to some new tights. I know how to live!

Home for about 5.45 dinner was being served up - by Jon this time not Henry. I do cook - honest! On Sundays!

I didn't tell you about Henry's success at school yesterday. He was part of a team (the leader in fact) who went to the Greshams School for a final of a competition against other schools, where they presented a 'Festival' idea they had designed as a team last year. They were the winning group from their school so went on to the final and WON! He has a nice 1st medal and £20 each in vouchers. I'm sure his school were very proud of them. We are!

The snowmen are on their way, I'm also making leather necklaces for the tiny bottle pendants.

So much to do. Just a week to do it.....

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