The Story.......

As some of you know my adopted cat Bob was sadly run over last month and didn't survive leaving us heart broken and our little family had something missing. No more cats we said. WELL about 3 weeks ago my friends had a bedraggled and very thin cat turn up and has been back every day for fuss and food and they asked would I like him as they could not keep him. With my delight David agreed as long as he wasn't chipped . My friends took him to the vets yesterday and no chip but very very badly infested with fleas. They treated him for the fleas and wormed him, he's also booked in for the snip on Tuesday. He will get the infestation checked and I am picking him up tomorrow to love and hug and hopefully to keep safe. The vet rang my friend and said he is a purebred Abyssinian a breed I have never heard of so had a good read up on them. SO out shopping we we last night , food , bowls , food mat , toys, bed , litter tray , litter and a scratching post , collar and a Christmas hat . I had such fun it was like Christmas for me. We have not decided on a name yet, I want Earl or Oscar and David wants Grant which is just not suitable lol. All being well he will be in my blip life for many years.

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