Big long walk Wednesday

This morning, after our walk, Ann faffed about watching Jeremy Kyle doing domesticated chores and then the phone rang and it was Ann’s friend Angela.

I heard Ann mention ‘big long walk’ so I immediately went into hyper, jumping around, mad collie mode.  Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend (who is staying with us) just looked at me as though I were mad.  He doesn’t seem to realise if Ann says the words, ‘big long walk’, that means we’re getting a longer walk than usual.

Anyway today we picked up Angela and then we went to Perranporth beach for our big long walk.  Perranporth beach is HUGE.  We probably walked about 6 miles on our big long walk.

Don’t know exactly how far we walked because Ann’s ‘fitbit’ device that measures how far we walk, stopped working yesterday so Ann is very grumpy, especially as we’ve not got much further to walk for our #walk1000miles challenge.

And after our big long walk do you know what we did?.......................  We went to the 'Tywarnhayle Inn' for a late lunch and the humans had massive steak & ale pies. Ann couldn’t eat all of hers so we both got some little bits of steak because we were behaving so well in the pub. Yum, yum!

Now we’re home. Very wet, very sandy, very stinky and very very tired.

................But we’re both very happy little doggies tonight!!!

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