Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Tiny Tuesday (eventually)

Fate clearly did not intend me to blip today. I was busy all day and didn't have a chance to take any pictures or even think about what to blip; it was then a case of looking around to find something that might fit the challenge. Having done so, I came to upload it and........ the internet had gone down. So here it is back-blipped, for what it is worth.

Now, I know this is hardly new technology but as someone who spent his formative years knowing that the music would stop if you weren't there to turn over the LP after about 22 minutes, I still find it amazing that if I started playing something as tiny as this now it would be over 10 days before it started to repeat. And even more amazing is that I have another one that has a bigger memory; if I started that one playing it would take 41 days before it had played everything on it. That's 24 hours a day until 14th December! The annoying thing is that I still can't get all my music even onto that one!

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