
By Artminx

Helping hand

Normally I work four days a week, Monday's being my day off and because I work in a very flexible environment I can, if my work schedule allows it, move those days around. Now it was lucky that a colleague wanted to meet to discuss a new project on Monday and so gave me the perfect opportunity to free up today, as today was the day Fenner had to box up almost all his belongings ready for storage.

He had help of course. We knew the removals company was sending someone to do the packing for him and as much as we all tease him about his inability to declutter due to emotional attachments, I knew he would be stressing about what order to do things and the internal turmoil of what to pack and what to keep. My biggest fear of course is that nothing would get recycled/thrown away and everything would be stored, the shopping lists the kids had written, the sweaters that I have NEVER seen him wear, the tupperware with no matching lids, EVERYTHING.

So I set off just after eight and surprised him just before nine. We had a good six hours of sorting, packing and dismantling whilst the lovely chap from the removals did a fantastic job of boxing and wrapping everything up. We had about 5 black bags of rubbish, 3 black bags of clothes for recycling and a bag for charity. Not bad. 

Tomorrow they will come and collect all the boxes and furniture leaving Fenner with a small amount of his belongings to live with for the next few months. Maybe he will love this new life with just a few items and maybe he won't mind that we accidentally packed away the Sonos in the Kitchen.

S x

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