Ho Ho Holly

Some Christmas (online) shopping has been done but I still haven't had my first mince pie. Very poor show, I'd made some in October last year! 

I am having cranberries for tea though so at least that's festive. I also treated myself to a packet of dark chocolate covered cranberries from the shop when I got my lunch today :) 

In other news, tomorrow I'm off to Anglia Ruskin University! There hasn't been a sudden rush of braincells or anything sadly, it's where the eye clinic is for my Intuitive Colorimeter visual stress test. Apparently it takes 2 hours so I've already raided the piggy bank for the Cambridge car park!

Whatever their findings I have to wait a few months for the follow up appointment to order migraine lenses though so it looks as though I'll be avoiding disco lights again this festive season.

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