Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Still no oven

So today was the day, sadly it didn't go as planned.

Saw new oven, waved bye bye to new oven.

Then a whole load of confusion followed.

Old oven hardwired in, new oven on the website and the manual says it too needs a hardwired connection.

Old oven has been hardwired with a 32A(!) Wire and fitter said new oven had a plug and needs the connection changing to a 13A with a plug socket. As I don't have anywhere to store oven I told them to take it away while I sort out electrics. I am also at this point thinking what is the point of paying out for an installation fee, for the price I paid you kinda think they should deal with any issues (so essentially I could have ended up assuming connection was right paying a large sum for someone to plug it in).

Anyway I asked them to clarify what I needed to tell electrian get told I need a 13A plug socket installed.

Check website and manual again clearly says not a 13A connection not plugged and needed to be hardwired. Manual states electrical connection is 16A.

Very confused by this point as I don't want to pay for an electrian and get the wrong thing done.

Ring up Hotpoint and they confirm oven is indeed a hardwired connection.

Ring company I got oven from and they say yes hardwired and look at notes from fitters and tell me I need to get the 32 or was it 34A (!) wire changed to a 13A amp wire so it can be hardwired. Explain that I am confused because the fitters clearly stated oven had a plug and I need to get a socket installed. Guy phones fitters and they say that yes I need a socket and they will wire on a plug!!!! So can you see where I am confused.

So have decided to cancel fitting and also get the fee of taking old oven away (cause well we still have old oven) refunded and get them to redeliver my shiny new oven and then I will book an electrian to come and install it, with the oven and the manual I figure a 'proper' electrian can make sense of it all and I am bound to end up with a working oven.

Spend the afternoon sulking.

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