National Park Galičica

Today was our last day with our car, so we took the chance to go to the nearby Galicica national park. As we drove up there we already had some AMAZING views over the Ohrid Lake.

Then at some place we came at the point where we started our hike. There were two possible directions starting from there, one going up the one mountain and the other on the other mountain. There was another couple over there and they took the other mountain.

We walked up the mountain. Approximately 3,6 kilometers to go up from 1568 meters to walk up to Magaro at 2254 meters. Quite steep! Especially on the way down it felt really steep.

But the hike was great! And the views were amazing! We could see both lake Ohrid and Lake Prespa. Even simulatenously :) Super beautiful! And also great to hike this path together! Really enjoyed it. Moreover, it was super quiet, so we really walked there 'alone'. We only met 8 other people on the mountain for the couple of hours we were on there.

As we were coming down again, we saw a white spot coming down as well on the opposite. The people we saw who left at the same time were coming down too. We chatted shortly with them and their hike was nice too!

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