The Balloon Has Failed To Go Up

The Police & Fire Services in Scotland years ago failed over a 10 year period or so to review the pension rates.
It took years to take them through the courts to pay the back money due to officers.
However, they only paid officers who retired after a randomly chosen date and once again there were court and appeal hearings to get confirmation that others were entitled to this back pay.
This was concluded in May.
In July the pensions office contacted the officers concerned (myself included) and told them that they would be working through everyone in chronological order of retirement and that everything would be concluded by the end of the year.
However, since I am slap bang in the middle of this time line and have heard nothing, this evening I made some enquiries and it would appear that nobody has received a penny so far.
This decision has to have been taken at very high level and once again goes to show that the men who policed the country (and still do) are not considered of any worth and the top brass are purely interested in cutting corners and saving money - which in this case is not theirs!
I am sure that they money is being held back so that they can get the interest on it since their rate of interest will be higher than they have to add on our payouts.
It is just another example of Police Scotland being uncaring, inefficient and not fit for purpose (being a bastard child of the Scottish government, why does this come as any surprise).

I will need to find out if any of the English Forces have joined the Scottish one in withholding the money before I hand it to the press.

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