
By bananablip

View from my desk

I'm currently reading Brill Bryson's 'Notes from a Small Island' which, as promised by a certain blipper, is laugh out loud funny. We're a wonderful little tribe really, aren't we, us British? I'm considering giving it to The African to read after me, to see if she recognises some of the same observations made by an outsider to our glorious land.

While on the subject of books, I would like to take a small moment to gloat. 'Notes from a Small Island' is my 51st book of 2015 which means that, finally, I have reached my 50 book target after some years of trying. I feel delighted to have reached my goal but must admit that I've had to trawl through some dreary books to get here. Next year I think I'll be a little less competitive and a little more selective with my book choices. Life is, after all, too short to read terrible books.

Now that we are into the second part of the term, and now that we have skipped over into November, there has been lots of talk of Christmas in the office today. Some of it has been work related, as we start to plan our seasonal offerings, but the majority of it has just been general excitement about Christmas and families and cosiness and Jesus. It's not too soon is it? I know we still have seven weeks of term left but I'm secretly longing for the log fire surrounded by family at Grove Cottage. 

In other news, sakalasafari nearly took a boy out in Trivolle Club today.

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