...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles really loves to use big boy cups at dinner. And he looks so cute when he does that I don't care when half the glass gets spilled on the floor ;)

Miles is getting so good at communicating lately. Every day it feels like he learns a new word. And lately his favorite word is "wow!" He says it every time we go to a new house or another place he hasn't been to before - or at big cars/trucks...or when Uncle Timmy was using the remote control helicopter at the cabin this weekend. He's also using his sign language more often. For example, whenever we tickle him or play fun games he always signs for more when we stop. His teachers even think he makes up his own sign language. They recently told us that when he wants to go outside; he points to the classroom medicine cabinet and rubs his face (for sunscreen, because they always apply it before going outside).

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