
Which I was this morning.  Toast, that is.  I was so tired, after all that gardening yesterday, I did sleep in.  Well, I got up to do what's necessary and went right back to bed because I thought they would too, but they cheated and stayed up. 

And when I did wake up it was to the most delicious  smell in this little black dog's world.  The smell of toast.

THEY were eating toast.  Yes, they were. 

AND when I came down stairs for my share, they wouldn't give me any on account of it was brioche (whatever that is).  But SHE relented and got me a piece of bread from the freezer, and did make me my very own piece of toast.

And put some buttery stuff on it (not actual butter you understand).  And it did taste pretty good, and I scoffed the lot.

And I had to go outside again, because what goes in must come out.

And then I did totter back up to bed again, and had another snooze.

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