A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Random Alley

In a bid to blip something other than the family or the dog here's a random alley near us that often forms the last part of a dog walk back from the park. As it did this afternoon in what turned out to be my last real activity of the day when Sunday decided to bite back.

Before this I had charged at Sunday with a vengeance starting with a barrecore class, followed by a trip to IKEA with Anna to buy furniture for her soon to be made over bedroom. It was actually a remarkably smooth and successful trip, the indecisive child being helped no end by their marvellous design yourself a wardrobe software.

Home for real lunch after snacking on obligatory hotdogs and out to take the mutt for a big walk in the last of the lovely sunshine that had taken the place of the mist whilst we were resisting random purchases in the blue and yellow kingdom.

All good so far. And then my eye started itching, then leaking gooey puss, going red and eventually closing up completely. Lots of saline bathing and it is now open and recovering but the whole thing made me a bit queasy and I have taken to my bed in a pathetic invalid way. I even made the kids visit me to say good night but that could just be the influence of taking the downtime to catch up on Downton.

Hopefully I will look fit to be seen in public by the morning.

Lesley X

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