
We're away for the weekend! Yahoo!!

The drive down was fantastic, sunny until we hit the hills and then fog. Scottish weather, can't beat it! We were welcomed at Friars Carse by a flock of guinea fowl; all the way from Africa just for S, now that's old-style
Post Office service!
Our wander down to see Rabbie Burns' old farm was a bit less than successful though. We settled for looking at it from a couple of fields away, beaten by the wet and mud.

So, after the style of Rabbie's lesser known cousin, McGonagall Burns ..

You muckle, hairy, lumbering beasties
Seems to me you're all just fearties,
To hug the path beside the wall
and turn the ground there into glaur.
So weekend strollers like me and Sooz
have mud and crap fill up our shoes.

We don't set out on Sunday walks
To end with smelly, shitty socks.
But can't complain, that's what it takes
To turn you bullocks into steaks.

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