
As far as I can tell, OneTree projects go back to the 1990’s, possibly before. The idea to to document a tree as fully as possible. Although it’s now a photographic cliche, I nevertheless decided I wanted to do a OneTree project in 2016. The idea is to focus on photographic quality as well as to document the passing of the seasons and a year in the life of a tree, so a OneTree365 project is out and I’m going for a OneTree12 record.

So far, so good … but no tree! I’ve spent months searching for a suitable tree. It’s not just about the tree, it’s also about the landscape (which is challenging in these parts). And it needs to be accessible in all weathers without driving hundreds of miles. I was on the point of giving up, when finally, I found my tree. Ladies and Gentlemen, please say hello to OneTree. You’re going to be seeing a lot of each other over the next year.

I suppose in the back of my mind I was thinking of an Oak, but unexpectedly, OneTree turns out to be an Ash (Fraxinus excelsior). Fitting really, considering the future that Ash trees are looking at right now. With Ash dieback raging across the land, in 10 years time my OneTree project might have the same impact as the non-existent OneElm project I wish I’d done 40 years ago before Dutch Elm disease removed the English Elm from our landscape.

Time will tell.

Nikon D5200 Tamron 17-50mm f8 38mm 1/250 ISO 180

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