
It was a day of several significant milestones today :

1. I went eeling in our creek with my two grandsons for the first time today.Here  they are with their mother and some meat inside an old sock [we didn't have any hooks]. When the eel bites on the sock the idea is to quickly pull it up and the teeth get caught in the sock. We got 3 half way up the bank but each time they fell back into the water. So no eels to eat but we did roast some apples over an open fire. A great morning for the boys....and their grandfather !

2. It is my birthday today !

3. As a special gift the All Blacks had a great win over Australia in the final of the rugby World Cup which most of  New Zealand was watching at 5.00 am.So it was an early start to the day but I did manage a nap under a shady tree after lunch.

4. This is my 500th blip.

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