
By Travelingkiwi

Yellow Hammer

Yes it's a bird, not a NZ native, we have Yellow Heads very similar to this bird but it has no marking on the head, thank you all for the lovely comments on yesterday back country station.
Its been a busy day as the boss told me that we are off on Wedensday where are we going, don't know, how long for , don't know, well that's b,,,,,,,,,, helpful isn't I spent the day cooking meals, I now have it down to a fine art, cook the food let cool pack it in plastic bags squish it flat and freeze, freezing 2 lt milk containers it will stay frozen for a week, chicken dish is always the first night, the trailer is pack as all ways so through in the chilly bin, some wine beer and were off to how knows where. internet will be very much a hit and miss so I will be doing a bit of back like me you will just have to watch this space. Life is always an adventure with the boss.:-)

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