It's Raining Again

Misty and damp all morning , came back form Lochgilphead tonight after a fairly good perfoemance during my accordion lesson , getting really quite demanding now but at least my playing is improving and the tunes are definitely recognisable.

I thought I'd head down to the shore to see what as there. Quite a few tiny sandpipers alltrilling their wee hearts out. Rather liked this one on top of a tree stump on the rain.

The light was very poor so I had to use a fairly high ISO, resulting in a bit too much noise in the image, did some noise reduction which works up to a point. That apart I quite liked the image so it won as tonight's blip instead of the many flowers covered in raindrops which I also blipped and are much sharper and clearer.... but hey this wee fellow is my favourite and Large might still be worth alook.

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