Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Happy Halloween

Our 'little princess' decided all our Halloween costumes this year. Ever since watching Frozen a couple months ago, our wee man has been enamoured with the idea of princesses. Specifically him being a princess. Princess Anna, that is, and no one else is allowed to be a princess other than him. 

'What about your sister, what will she be for Halloween?' his mother asked him. 'Should she be Princess Elsa?'

'Noooooo!!!!!!!' he cried. 'She should be a troll!' 

Eventually he decided Grandma could be Queen (not princess) Elsa. Dada was Kristof and Mama was to be Sven, the smelly reindeer.

As you can see in the pic, the little lady wasn't a troll after all...we did look for a troll outfit for her but just couldn't make it work, so she ended up being a very cute Olaf the snowman instead. 

Initially, we were a little worried that we would have a repeat of last year, as the wee man tried on his outfit and then demanded to have it taken off straight away.  But once we mentioned we were going to a party at Mila's house (a 4yr old girl he has a bit of a crush on), he was raring to go. 

Both kids had a great time at the party and behaved impeccably. And we had a good laugh when we first got there and ran into another 'frozen family' - the Dada was Kristof, the mama was the reindeer and their two daughters were the princesses.  Guess the wee man is going to have to work on his creativity skills a little harder next Halloween!  

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