Liverpool Cathedral

Saturday 31st Oct 2015 (1162)

WACATTACK at Liverpool Cathedral today. A chance for all the churches in the Warrington Archdeaconry to come together for a great family fun day. Lots of interesting things going on - caving, climbing wall, bands, choirs, birds of prey, bowling competition, fire eating, science experiments, crafts etc and a wonderful service of celebration to finish.  It was lovely to see so many friends from my previous parish, lots of hugs.  

Stayed at the Cathedral afterwards for the retirement do of a good colleague and friend.

As I came out of the cathedral I liked the look of the floodlighting and clouds above. Didn't have the tripod though so it isn't as sharp as it could have been, I used the roof of my car instead.

Back home mid-evening to finish prep for tomorrow!   

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