(Poor?) Judgement

Today was the island's annual Stock Judging competition. Open to all; young and old, locals  and visitors, experts and clueless. The young did their judging early, in full Halloween dress and quickly left again -  to party the afternoon away. 

This was my second outing. I seem to have lost some skill since last year when I managed to judge one pen correctly - not so this year.

I'm not sure what a full score is but it is possibly 400. I scored 278 this time, with not one of the eight pens being fully correct. At least I did better than Mr L. Again. Me? Gloating? Noooooo.....

I like the stock judging event, it is very informal and friendly. Plentiful refreshments are provided, including alcoholic ones., I refrained from eating too much so missed out on the Mince Rolls, an Orkney delicacy, as I had my dinner slow cooking in the Aga while we were out.

Lamb Tagine tonight, with flatbreads. I left the dough, retarded in the fridge, to rise while gone and now have it coming back to room temperature. By the time we have warmed up in the bath it should be ready for shaping and baking. It was good to come home to such a fragrant house, permeated as it is with the warm Moroccan spices. 

I am hungry and hope to do the stew justice but must confess to being ever so mildly legless after the stock judging libations.

Already looking forward to next year.

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