Goodbye to Jane

Homeward Bound - we woke early as the bloody mooring buoy kept bonking against the side of the boat. On the plus point, we got the best of a good south east wind, with a bit of easterly in it I would say, so it was a fine close reach and good speed across pretty smooth waters and away homeward before the rains set in. That's enough boatie pish!
But before I finish, what were the big learnings from 10 days away? Practical stuff. Ropes, ropes and ropes. And how to lay a good anchor. And some personal stuff too, to muse upon. Now that's really enough boatie pish!
Spain play Portugal. Hearts have a new manager. Oh and there was one other bit of less welcome news - the son has bought himself a motorbike. Oh well.
Right must get back over these blips and put location details in. And open a bottle.

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