A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

The Game is On

Thank goodness for my need to listen to The Archers or they would be no blipping today. I am totally absorbed in my new book, Capital, and am struggling to put it down and engage with anyone.

But as you can see I did earlier too. I got a new board game for my birthday - it requires an excellent mix of luck, patience, general knowledge and deductive reasoning.

This photo also lets me show off my new lemon tree in the background. A birthday present from the lovely SooB (can't do links on the iPhone) which I have failed to confirm arrived and thank her for - it arrived! Thank you! The joy at the constant supply of cocktail ingredients is only slightly dimmed by my track record at keeping things alive but I have kept the instructions and I will do my best!

Another nicely chilled day spent largely at home. I actually think it's been good for us all, especially Anna to have a restorative break. Tomorrow RCM starts and we are back in action mode.

I even made it to another barrecore class, though slightly dishearteningly they seem to be getting harder. I'm telling myself it is because I can do more and therefore is actually a good sign but may be I am just slowly breaking...

Lesley x

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