The Lady in Red

This morning I went with Elif to her friend Lynda's photographic studio in Hove.  I've met Lynda a few times before - the last time was when I took the 'behind the scenes' shots of Elif's Autumn/Winter photo shoot. 

Lynda's a lovely lady and has a project called 'Finding Grace' which you can read about here.  She knows about my current situation and asked if I would be one of her ladies -  I thought about it, and decided that it would be a nice thing to do as part of my journey, so this morning we talked about 'my life' and she took photos of me with and without the wig. The shot that will be used for 'finding grace' is naturally a bald portrait and I now have to write my story in no more than 200 words. I can't wait to see the photos.

Then this afternoon our friends Karen & Andy arrived from Yorkshire.  They're flying to Antigua tomorrow morning and are staying at a hotel at Gatwick Airport tonight, but they drove down to see us and Karen had some some shopping to do at Elif's shop so I met them there.

Elif has hand made all these poppies to make a dress in aid of the Poppy Appeal and her window display is amazing.  It was difficult to get a clear photo of it because of the reflections in the shop window, but I've put another image taken from within the shop, in my extras.

Anyway, Karen had a successful shopping spree, and then we came home and had a Thai take out before they headed back to their hotel.  We'll now see them again next Saturday when they return as we're going to meet them for brunch and take them Karen's shopping.  It saves them having to take it with them, or leave it in the car.

Right, it's time for Gogglebox, hope you have a good weekend!

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