
By annamariahill4

Ghostly Minster

Plastic bags, who would think I could have a rant about them! 
Today I bought some underwear from a certain high street store known to us all and at the check out was asked, 'Have you brought your own bag?'
I looked at my purchases and considered walking out with various items over my arm, er no!
By this time the knee was hurting and I was very cross at having to pay 5p for a bag. I did point out that I would be perfectly happy with a paper bag similar to those used by other stores selling clothing and that I would have to reconsider my position re their store!

Then I bought a donut and came home!

PS This was a 3d picture of the Minster that caught my eye and apologies for my lack of comments will have a mega catch up at the weekend.

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