Not a selfie!

Today was really busy - started with the chickens. A clean and the incinerator put on - didn't expect it to work as it was raining but hey ho -nothing ventured nothing gained! Once home it was a tidy up and collection of bits for the weekend. Party Girls mum is looking after my pets so I couldn't have her seeing the mess I live in! Next a shower and then grabbed Portly for a quick walk before taking Friend into Tavistock for her chemo treatment. I whizzed round the shops looking for vampire make -up! Found a brilliant Dia de los Muertos 18 eyeshadow palette in Superdrug - all the colours I needed to replicate the vampire  make up used in  a youtube  tutorial video I had found! Then off to the Farm shop for shavings for the coop! Traffic was mad and Friend texted to say she would be ready for picking up in 20 minutes - reckoned it would take me that amount of time to get out over the roundabout the traffic was so bad! Actually had cleared by the time I reached it so Friend wasn't kept waiting!
Once home it was put Tilly to bed and off to the allotment! The incinerator was still going and had nearly burned its way through the shavings and red mites! What joy! Next stop Party Girls to drop off key for her mum and ticket money to Ebay Boy!. Only Party Girls son was there, Ebay Boy was in the lock up with all his ebay stuff! So I put the torch on my mobile phone to full beam and set off over  the field  to find him! His lock up is  more stacked and  cluttered than my house! I stood outside taking photos on my mobile as had no time to take anything so far! Once back at the house Party Girl came back after dropping her son to Panto Rehearsal in the village Hall. Over a cup of tea and packing and weighing the ebay parcels as Ebay Boy dashed off the last orders, we discussed the Masked ball and outfits. I showed her the vampire video and suggested she came back to mine for a dummy run of her Eighties punk and my vampiress look! 
Having gathered the required makeup and mirrors I realised it was time to replace the 4 blown bulbs in the kitchen lights! Luckily Party Girl is really tall so she replaced them for me and on with the make up! How do women do it every day! We blended and smudged and drew very unstraight lines with gay abandon! Deciding that in the dim light of the event less was definitely not more and laid it on with trowels! Ha!  - blip opportunity! Well that saw us both in hysterics as we tried to pout seductively and take a photo on our mobiles! Luckily Ebay Boy then arrived to claim the skull necklace I had for him from my Resources and he took this one of us both! So it's not a selfie!!! I think she nailed the sexy look! 
A bottle of wine later they left and now I have to try and remove the slap! I'm pleased to say the red lippy with lock and shine glaze is still intact after nibbles and wine - it is supposed to last 16 hours so I may have some difficulty removing it and the red hairspray won't come out till I wash my hair! One less thing to do tomorrow anyway! I have the fun of applying  red nail varnish anyway  and that will no doubt be just as tricky! Think I will do that after I have opened the allotment  chickens and replaced the battery for the fence - as usual when I am going away it requires changing! Flashing red this evening! How apt!  

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