
By Cigs

Water of Leith Path, Balgreen

And so the new Friday routine kicked in; but with the same nonsense as before (plus added Halloween japes just for good measure)

The Cigsmobile is about to collapse and fail its MOT; so I spent the morning perusing and purchasing a suitable replacement. Suitably frazzled,  it was off to schools and rounding up of kids and all back to mine for lunch (also helped by bounty from the school yard bake sale)

The weather abated so Saughton Park is our usual stop off point for drama, so we swung past this. Whilst Tom was busy traversing the Water of Leith on the outside of the bridge (thankfully out of sight so I couldn't see his act of stupidity until he was already across) whilst Grace obligingly (for once!) sprinted past the Cigs to add the prerequisite October blur.

The camera is still set on summer mode and the lower autumn light means it's all to pot. I really ought to read the camera manual as the anniversary of its purchase approaches....

Black paint, chummed by Keft (another October 15 feature); undated. and all but forgotten about until winter arrives and the nettles and willowherb and grass and elder all die back, and suddenly - there it is!

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