Same Spot.......As Last Night.......

..With the added bonus of a little guy to sweeten the scene.

Lovely at the beach this afternoon...I couldn't understand why everybody wanted to go home so soon...even the dog was waiting to get in the car.
Apparently they reckoned it was cold......I had my cardi on and was enjoying the sky to much to notice.
To the West there were wispy grey clouds with lovely pink fluffy tails...I would of liked to of captured them...but by the time I would of got to a  good spot they would of been long gone.

Put the packing into the 'too hard basket' I have a few days left still and I can pick Sleepys brain....Jen reckons she has white gloves and boxes I'm shivering in my shoes.....I'm not packing them...I like 'em.

“A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.” 
Robert Frost

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