
By Puke

Seeing red

Warning. Impending rant ahead!

Experienced road rage this morning on my way to work. Decided to take the quiet back road and was caught by this traffic light which was placed near some road works. After a short while waiting, a car who had been waiting in the opposite direction drove past. I thought it must be my turn next.... Having waited for what seemed an age (probably 3 minutes) and nothing happening, no sign of any light changing colour, I was steadily aware of becoming more and more frustrated and a red mist descending.. Eventually a van which was sat behind me, decided to take matters into his/her own hands and drove past me despite the light still being red.  I noted as I went past, there was nothing much doing, no sign of any road work nor workers, nada. Sooo frustrating!

Rant over! Breathe deep and release....

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