
By hallucination30

This boy

A hard day, so much crying, fighting, tantrums sent my head into a spin! Wanted to play in the park but it was SO wet it wasn't possible. Took the kids to the Songbird which is an ice cream parlour, they happily ate a chocolate cone each but that only gave me a few minutes peace before all the upset started again. Lucie coughing horribly.
Wandered round a shop but hadn't really planned for them desperately seeing things they wanted which added to the crying.
Finally put them for a nap where they both cried on and off whilst I tried to not hear them and get rid of a headache.
This afternoon they were better so we went for a walk in the rain and ate a sandwich out. So glad they're in bed!!
On a bright note a make-up artist/agency owner asked me if my face was available for a shoot, felt quite excited!!

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