Love the smell but ........

We have a new toy! So here's a few uncorroborated facts about coffee, courtesy of Google:

- Shepherds discovered coffee in Ethiopia circa 800 AD after goat herders noticed the effect caffeine had on their goats, who appeared to "dance" after eating coffee berries. A local monk then made a drink with coffee berries and found that it kept him awake at night, thus the original cup of coffee was born.

- Coffee is the second most traded commodity on earth (after oil)

- Coffee was the first food to be freeze-dried

- There are two types of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta

- The majority of coffee (40%) is produced in Brazil

- Coffee is a fruit

- The world's most expensive coffee is a mere £325 per cup

- There have been five attempts to ban coffee throughout history

- Finland is the most caffeinated country, where the average adult consumes the equivalent of four or five cups of coffee a day

- Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease

- Coffee stays warmer when you add cream

- The largest cup of coffee ever was brewed in July 2014 in South Korea. It was over 3,700 gallons.

- The original definition of coffee means "wine." Coffee's original name, qahwah, came from the Yemen term for wine. In Turkey it was called kahveh, until the Dutch referred to it as koffie, where we get the English coffee

I don't like coffee, Mrs K loves it!

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