A different duck

Yesterday was a long day, which began with me having an MRI at Auckland Hospital. They were very considerate and booked it for 0745, which meant that I was still able to travel to Wellington for the locum. 

There, I ended up seeing in half a day about as many patients as I have seen on most full days. Some interesting clinical challenges. One woman we visited at her home. She greeted me with "Who do you look like?" When I was introduced by the nurse with me, she corrected the name that the nurse gave me. Later in the visit she asked whether or not I still wear bow ties. Took me by surprise, as in the last ten years I confine my wearing of bow ties to meetings. It appears she remembered me from twenty years ago.

At he end of the day I went for a run, ending in some wetlands which are being developed beside the motorway. That is where I spied this duck which I think is a Northern Shoveller. I will check she I get home.

Posting this a day late as the internet connection at the  motel I have been staying in Porirua doesn't appear to any longer allow me to access Blipfoto properly. I spent the evening dealing with some email tasks.

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