
By PammyJ

North Plaza Prettyness

Today was a smartphone picture day - I'm always amazed when these little phones capture "pretty" so clearly!   

I work out most mornings in the North Plaza, and needless to say I don't typically drag along my Nikon ... (not enough room in the work-out backpack, and afraid my drippy water bottle will run amuck amuck amuck!).   

We had a warm Autumn day here in Hong Kong - it hit 30C  and was quite muggy!   Finally tonight it's cooling off a bit thankfully.  The winds are coming up from the Southwest - so praying the bad air gets blown back up into China.

Taking a day off work & Hiking tomorrow and may drag along the trusty Nikon - hear the trail we are heading out on is a lovely walk along the ocean.  More to come!

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