Fallen Leaves

Another morning rush and another morning where BB seemingly had lost his coat – panic stations as he wouldn’t be allowed out to play without his coat!  I sent him to school with another coat and told him to make sure that he came home with two coats.  He did, but his original coat was in his bag all the time.  All that stress for nothing.  I should have checked, but instead I took his word for it.

I had a busy day at work, working later than I wanted to, but I needed that peace and quiet at the end of the day to get on with something.

I came home to a tired BB.  He had been at football practice, and was more than a little grumpy.  TT turned to a bottle of wine when I appeared!  I pulled out some work and watched Catastrophe. The work has gone back in my bag for tomorrow.

A blipless day.  I took two photographs on my way home, neither very exciting.  Here is one of them.


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