Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Just looking ....

Different start to my Tuesday - hubby up at 5am to travel north of the country, I managed to get a couple more hours sleep before getting up and taking Lili for an hours walk. I love Autumn colours, leaves are nearly off most of the trees now (mainly in my back garden!), making a pretty carpet around the trunk.

Trip to see mum, her usual happy self, she had had her flu jab today and didn't seem bothered by it at all. The home has carried out some decorating and it is looking a lot fresher. It also has new lounge chairs (all matching, so Dolly doesn't always sit in the blue one, or Fred in the green one!), and mum seems quite comfortable in these. Her teddy collection sitting happily on the window sill - some looking out, some looking in. Mum has gone past wanting to cuddle and kiss them now, but seems to like them in her room (although other "magpies" of the home also like them).

Spent the afternoon in "heaven" - in my hobby room, sewing. Managed to get quite a bit done and happy with the result so far.

Skype with daughter and son-in-law tonight followed by a FaceTime chat with hubby.


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