Happy roaming

So the internet community is a bit conflicted on when someone with Hand, Foot and Mouth stops being contagious.  Some say after a week, some say after the blisters heal, some say it can take a month, some say just carry on as normal.  Hmm.  Well it has been almost a week now, and BabyCyclops doesn't have any blisters any more but he still has loads of red marks (on his hands mainly) where the spots/blisters were.

We are getting cabin fever spending a lot of time at home because BabyCyclops is a very active child.  So MrsCyclops took BabyCyclops to the Botanics today.

This is the first time we've been somewhere like that since BabyCyclops has been walking fairly confidently.

It was brilliant fun.  BabyCyclops roamed freely, and kicked about in the autumn leaves, and even chased some squirrels.

He's a friendly chap - waving and saying 'Hiya' to all and sundry.  For their own safety he had to be removed several times from a family making a large pile of leaves, and a mother/baby that he apparently beckoned over.  Still being cautious regarding the pox, just in case.

Another photo here.

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