
Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly here!  

Mum and I went on a late afternoon walk along the river Thames at Sonning. We couldn't agree on which picture to share so we decided to do a collage.

There is a lock here with a tea garden where we like to sit with a cup of tea and a piece of cake. This is the picture I wanted to share. This is the last week that it's open before winter so we wanted to make sure we would visit at least one more time. The sun was shining most of the afternoon but by the time we got there the clouds had gathered. But it was still warm enough to sit outside with a couple cups of tea before walking a little further along the river.

Because the clocks went back this last weekend, Mum isn't used to how soon the sun now sets. So by the time we were walking back though the village and to the car it was almost dark. Mum had never seen the village church lit up like this, so this is the picture she wanted to share.

(We still haven't seen George Clooney!)

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