Just in Time!

Went to bed about 9pm because I was absolutely shattered and couldn't keep my eyes open a minute longer. Woke at 11.30pm and realised I hadn't blipped, so on with my dressing gown and sandals - it's a good job we live out in the sticks - and down the slip to take a shot of the sunset.
This morning I had to get the car MOT-ed first thing so while Lawrence at the garage did that, Ollie and I had a wander round old haunts, where Nimbus used to live for the winter.
It was a bit strange, but not sad, that time in my life has gone for good and I am much happier now, even without Nimbus. She is having a wonderful life, reunited with her daughter and being ridden every day by pony mad little girls!

I hope the red sky is a good omen for tomorrow. This afternoon was beautiful, sunny and bright and clear blue skies. Looking forward to more of the same for the next few days . . . .

ps have back blipped yesterday too!

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