Happily Standing Guard
I quite like cemeteries. I'm not some morbid, pasty skinned, death-entranced chap shuffling round fascinated by the concept of mortality. Rather they're peaceful places for a bit of contemplation, and a place within a city to get away from the hustle. I'll read headstones as I go past, and wonder about the lives of people who died 150 or more years ahead.
Today I saw one for a guy who died exactly 89 years before my birth day. Nothing in it, I just noticed the date and it piqued my interest. Then walking through another section I saw this happy little chap. Actually there were another three, identical quads, with one of them only having a wall to stare at for eternity. He still looked happy though. It's good to enjoy your work.
Still, only a day and a half till the weekend (and the joys of DIY to come at that point, but it'll be worth it once all done).
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