This plant is a boring, dull nonsense for 50 weeks of the year. So much so that I pulled it up and threw it away a couple of years ago, forgetting about the very lovely display it manages in October. It has struggled back into existence, hurrah for my slap dash gardening. Perhaps now I have written this down, I will remember it in the future and let this stay.
I have felt quite out of sorts in the last couple of weeks, I don't quite know why. I seem to have lost the balance thing with the result that everything has seemed too much that I frankly can't be bothered to do and I have ended up staring at it all, doing nothing. I think I have managed to get everything a bit more sorted now in my head with the result I have spent a pleasant couple of hours cooking this afternoon instead of just planning pasta, toast or eggs to feed everyone. I always get alarmed with my life when I frankly can't be arsed to cook anything. And I think I might do some yoga. All the calm, balanced, pleasant people I know do yoga. I shall overlook my total inflexibility and generous belly as reasons not to do this, it can't just be the bendy, skinny ones, can it?
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