Le Bouquetin Whisperer

A blip meet with a walk into the Val d'Bérard with HilarysView today - and we got a day much much better day than forecast - I for one was glad I'd not worn ski touring pants...

It was lovely to finally meet and natter about climbing & teaching & trips & knees &....but suddenly all that stopped as we came face to face with the first big Ibex of the day - H just seems to have a knack of finding them.

The trees were looking amazing in their autumnal splendor - but as yesterday the sun, though warm, just couldn't break through and lift the light. We made our way up to the (sadly closed) Refuge de la Pierre à Berard under the Col de Salenton. Stopping for snacks and a drink H kindly let me play with her camera - a new toy may be called for!

We both had an inkling that there was likely to be more wildlife above us in the little glacial cwm, so we wandered up & sure enough managed a super close encounter with the rather portly chap in my extras (there's also a distant pair of chamois showing off their lovely stripes).

Down was quicker than up - which is good going for two blippers with dodgy knees - and as we emerged from the valley at the 16th Century settlement of La Poya the sun had just broken through enough to make me settle for this view of the Aiguilles Vert & les Drus.

Thanks for a great day H!

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