Night Lights

A 4.30am rise (3.30am UK time) to get the taxi at 5am to the airport and a drive through some very narrow and ropey roads due to the night time road works for the CHOGM talks next month.

An upgrade on the flight to Heathrow meant we got a lovely (typically Maltese big) breakfast served by some stunning and extremely cheerful ladies.
It also meant loads of extra legroom and only two of us rather than the usual three to a row.

After arriving at Heathrow and going from terminal 4 to terminal 5 I found that I had managed to leave my headphones in the (very big, very deep) seat pocket.
Trying to phone Air Malta about it was completely useless as they use a call centre in India (apparently) and they had no idea what I was trying to get through to them.
Eventually I e-mailed the customer services in Malta (who checked their lost 7 found in both Malta (since the plane had already got back there) and Heathrow with no joy but intended on having a better look later now they know what they are looking for and where exactly) and will send them on if they find them.
Much better than BA who couldn't wouldn't even give me a number for the Air Malta desk and suggested I go back to terminal 4 and ask (How? I was already in T5 and through security etc........!!!!)

8 hours in Heathrow ............Oh joy!

Boarding was a joke - they had no idea what they were doing and were trying to get people to accept tags for bags to go under the seats only. They tried it with my camera bag which is the same size as permitted carry-on bag. How the frig is that meant to go under the seat - and leave room for my 6'4" frame?. It didn't happen!!! Especially since they were allowing people with small carrier bags to use the overhead lockers.

Then a (wet) boarding the plane after being bussed out to the tarmac.
Followed by an air sitting in a stifling oversized cigar tube when the back-up power system failed (which is required for both the cool air system and firing up the engines).
Our 'snack' (a packet of nuts) was served by some of the most sullen middle aged women I have ever met.
To top it all off, there was only one bag turned up on the carousel in Glasgow.
Just as we were going to report it I had  wee niggling feeling and went to the international arrival carousel that had just started discharging its luggage. Lo and behold .......... there was our case.
Some moronic Weegee  baggage handler had chucked a load of luggage from our flight onto the wrong carousel

The whole airport experience was a sad indictment for B.A. and Britain I am sad to say.

Then was had to wait on our pick-up back to the car and drive home from Glasgow.
10.15pm we got home.
A long day!

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