It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Midge Central!

We're up for Rosemary's big race, The Celtman Extreme Triathlon. It's slightly longer than an Ironman distance race, involves swimming in a sea loch, a 200km + bike ride and a mountain marathon.

Although packing was quite stressful last night (wow....the kit required is extensive), the journey up was fun. R's mum, the logistics manager and fellow adventure racer Kate, who will be buddy runner, shared the driving. Fortunate really as R and I can't drive. We refuse to learn as there are already too many car drivers in the world. Lunch was a packed one and we had that in Dunkeld. On the way to the loos I even found a shop selling Guatemalan El Bosque coffee beans, so I bought a bag.

We got to Torridon just in time to register for the race. It wouldn't have been the end of the world if we had missed it as it's open again tomorrow. We're staying in Shieldaig, a quiet but beautiful village and the location of our digs is stunning. It was my job to do dinner tonight but I got a bit upset when I thought there wasn't enough food and then R used the pasta water to boil a potato. It all turned out OK though and there was enough to eat.

I decided to go out for a wee swim in my pants and waded out into the sea to just below willie height! It's always difficult to cross that boundary so I dived head first into the freezing waters, only to scream like a five year old girl, exit the water and race back to the cottage for a long hot shower.

After dinner, I went out a wee walk only to lose a lens cap and get eaten by midges! There were clouds of the vicious beasties ready to devour every inch of exposed flesh. Hey hum!

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