PYO Pumpkin

We went to Craigie's for a delicious late breakfast. Great views and the kids traipsed down to choose pumpkins.
Floss and myself headed to Ikea, I do like a wee visit the Swedish Emporium. Picked up the usual nonsense as well as the curtain fixing I've been needing for over a year.
We than headed to the Livi shops with Betty in tow to get bargains, I do like a bargain. Betty got an ace parka and other bits and pieces, got Nelly school boots and a party frock and Floss got me my birthday present, a lovely Fossil watch.
We took takeaway up to Karenny's for tea then headed down to say goodbye to the nephews.
A prolonged journey home- we managed to go over the Clackmannan Bridge rather than Kincardine! But home safe now.

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