
By RadioGirl

A Celtic Knot

"Lord Aberdeen was quite touched when I told him I was so attached to the dear, dear Highlands and missed the fine hills so much. There is a great peculiarity about the Highlands and Highlanders; and they are such a chivalrous, fine, active people.  Our stay among them was so delightful.  Independently of the beautiful scenery, there was a quiet, a retirement, a wildness, a liberty, and a solitude that had such a charm for us"

An extract from "Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands, from 1848 to 1861", written by Queen Victoria

This is a pewter Celtic knotwork lapel pin which I bought in Ballater, Royal Deeside, about twenty years ago during an autumn gliding trip to Scotland.  I still use it to hold my scarves in place.  The first time I visited this magical part of the Highlands, it was easy to see why Queen Victoria had fallen in love with it.

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