living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Dirty knees, take two!

Cleo has had a lovely day playing with her friend, M. The local Sure Start Centre is brilliant as there is and actual proper garden to play in, plus the food is cheap as chips, though they don't have chips...

Today was the first day that Ash sat in the high chair. He tried and tried but he could not get that strawberry in his mouth. Ah, well. There will be plenty of time to learn and I'm sure in the weeks to come there will be at least one picture of Ash with food smeared from top to bottom. :) Cleo was not happy to see a return of the high chair that was hers and is no longer hers, especially when I told her it's for Ash to sit in now that she's a big girl and has her own special chair at the table. There was quite a bit of yelling and some shrieking until she pushed a chair over to it, climbed inside and strapped herself in. Then she got bored and asked to be removed and all was fine again.

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