Maddy's Bad Hair Day

Well you can't say I didn't try!!  Little Maddy Cooper has been feeling out of sorts over the past couple of weeks.  We sometimes forget just how sensitive our animals are around trauma.  

Maddy was crying out for a bath and a trim - it's starting to get quite hot and humid in Bundaberg.  I went really well on the bath front and she was a little darling.  Well then it came to the hair cut.  With a loan of some very professional clippers I set to this morning with great gusto and a very obliging little dog.  I'm happy to say Maddy seems to trust me, even with the clippers in hand.

Well, the long and short of it is just that, some of Maddy was long and a lot was short.  It was quite a bad hair day all round.  To my great delight, Kim Nettie's granddaughter called in and came to the rescue.  I couldn't help but blip the end result.  Not a great image as it's a cropped shot from my iPhone, but I think you'll get the idea!!

Here's a link to an image I blipped of Maddy on the 22nd of December last year.  As you will see, she's a curly little character when she's wearing her long version.

Oh and just by the way, my mobile phone was absolutely no use for this exercise!!!

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